News  /  January 15, 2013  /  ,

Cyclist Armstrong likely to face long line of litigants

KHIKS attorney Aaron Liskin was quoted in Dietrich Knauth’s article at on Lance Armstrong’s recent doping confession.  Armstrong faces potential lawsuits from people and organizations he previously sued for defamation, as well as the U.S. Postal Service, which sponsored him to the tune of $30 million between 2001 and 2004.

Aaron believes the effects of Armstrong’s soul-baring on Oprah Winfrey’s program are at least partially mitigated by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s 100-page report published late last year accusing the Tour de France champion of cheating with performance-enhancing substances.  In other words, it’s old news.

“Even without his admission, I think that a lot of other potential plaintiffs, whether they’d filed suit yet or not, were already coming after that money because they felt there was enough evidence,” said Aaron.  “He’s already taken a pretty massive hit in terms of sponsorships dropping left and right, so he may be attempting to do damage control.”