News  /  February 1, 2016  /  ,

Chad Fitzgerald comments on streaming revenues

KHIKS partner Chad Fitzgerald was quoted by the Los Angeles Business Journal in Marni Usheroff’s “Fresh Money In Old Shows” piece, highlighting a new type of income generated by television productions long past their prime.  Streaming services such as Hulu, Inc. and Netflix are snapping up the rights to multiple seasons of popular shows from the past, introducing a new generation of viewers to the hit series of yesteryear.

In one major deal in 2015, Hulu bought the exclusive subscription video-on-demand rights to all nine seasons of super sitcom “Seinfeld” for a reported $160 million.

Chad’s view:  “If a writer, producer, actor has a profit participation in a show, then yes, the second or third life of a TV series on Netflix or Hulu can mean a lot of money to them.  It depends on how the studio accounts for that money.”

For the full story, see “Fresh Money In Old Shows.”